Learn more about CO2 Storage Kalundborg 

We will explore if it's possible to store CO2 in the subsoil

Learn more about CO2 Storage Kalundborg 

Storing CO2 in the subsoil?

Focus on safety and environment

CO2 Storage Kalundborg is the project that has been granted permission by the Danish state to explore whether it is possible to safely store CO2 approximately 1,400 meters below surface in the Kalundborg area.  

Over a four-year period, CO2 Storage Kalundborg will conduct a series of studies to determine if the potential storage site is suitable and if CO2 can be stored without negative consequences for humans, the environment, and nature.

It is still too early to say whether CO2 will actually be stored in the area. However, it is crucial for CO2 Storage Kalundborg that there is trust in the studies being conducted. Therefore, we will share knowledge, engage in dialogue, and continuously inform about the progress of the studies being carried out.  

On this page, you can read more about the project and find information about the studies we will conduct. 

You can also read our news about the license award here

Watch a short video about CO2 Storage Kalundborg ...

What's the plan?

The Danish authorities have previously conducted a series of thorough preliminary studies of the Danish subsoil. They assess that, among other geological sites in Denmark, the subsoil in the Kalundborg area is suitable for CO2 storage and that potential storage can occur without significant impacts for humans or the environmental (Rambøll for the Danish Energy Agency).

It is now CO2 Storage Kalundborg’s task to carry out the necessary studies to build on this knowledge and ultimately assess if CO2 can be safely stored. 

Our work is divided into three phases, each involving different types of studies. 

Click on the phases to the right to learn more about them. 

Starts in early 2025. 

Our specially designed surveying vehicles will conduct tests from the surface, using a series of small "subsoil microphones" to survey the subsoil. We will measure both the potential CO2 storage site and the thick formations of rock under which it is located. 

The survey area covers a "square" approximately from Nekselø to Saltbæk in the north and from Jorløse to Knabstrup in the south. 

The purpose is to create a detailed map of the subsoil so we can identify the optimal locations for drilling and potentially injecting CO2

Expected to start at the end of 2026. 

The phase begins with establishing two drilling sites at surface level. The actual drilling will take about 1 month and will reach approximately 1,400 meters in depth, where the potential storage site is located. 

The exact drilling locations will be determined during the surveying phase. The first drilling is used to collect data, and the second drilling is used for the actual potential storage. This is standard practice for this type of exploration. Throughout the phase, we will collect data and examine the various soil layers that are extracted, allowing us to gain further insights into the nature of the subsoil. 

Runs parallel to the exploration phase. 

The purpose of this phase is to gather knowledge about how the subsoil reacts when it receives CO2. We investigate this by conducting tests with water and advanced simulation models. With all the data we have already collected, these models enable us to accurately determine the suitability of the subsoil for storage. 

We will continuously share the results of our studies with the Danish authorities, who will ultimately have to approve the suitability of the CO2 storage site. 

Why are we exploring CO2 storage in the Kalundborg area? 

Why the Kalundborg area was selected

Denmark has a subsoil suitable for CO2 storage. Thorough preliminary studies commissioned by the Danish authorities identified five areas particularly suitable for this purpose, including the Kalundborg area (Rambøll the Danish Energy Agency)

Proven technology with great potential

The technology and nature of the studies we will conduct are well-known and have been tested in Denmark and internationally for decades. In fact, Denmark has been storing gas in the subsoil for many years, and many of the same technologies and knowledge would be applied if CO2 were to be stored in the Kalundborg area. 

Denmark is very advanced in research in this field. More than 100 scientific projects are currently researching the capture, utilisation, and storage of CO2. Therefore, the knowledge base surrounding these technologies is extensive in Denmark (INNO-CCUS)

Why is Denmark focusing on CO2 Storage? 

An important contribution to achieving Danish climate goals 

In Denmark, experts and politicians broadly agree that, in addition to transitioning to renewable energy, we must must capture and store CO2 to mitigate climate change and meet our climate goals.

If it is safe to store CO2 in CO2 Storage Kalundborg, several million tonnes of CO2 can be stored annually.

Click the link below to visit the Danish Energy Agency’s website, where you can learn more about CO2 storage and the role this technology will play in achieving Denmark’s climate goals. 

Learn more about CO2 storage

A part of the transition

In several industries it is currently very challenging or even impossible to avoid CO2 emissions. Therefore, one solution is to capture the CO2 before it reaches the atmosphere. This is particularly relevant for heavy industries such as cement production and waste incineration. 

The development of the technology has several advantages

In Denmark, CO2 storage is being considered both offshore and onshore – that is, at sea and on land, respectively. Onshore storage has the advantage of being quicker to establish and cheaper to operate than storage operations far out at sea. This contributes to a more cost-effective green transition. As seen with technologies such as solar panels and wind, the cost of a green technology needs to be reduced as much as possible before its development can really accelerate. 

A report from Kraka Advisory shows that, besides the climate benefits, CO2 capture and storage has great potential for job creation and development in Denmark. The report indicates that if Denmark stores 5% of the CO2 expected to be stored in Europe, it could create 9,000 jobs and contribute 50 billion DKK to Denmark’s GDP.

You can find the report here


Explore our FAQ to learn more about CO2 Storage Kalundborg 

Go to FAQ

CO2 Storage Kalundborg is the project that has been granted permission by the Danish state to explore whether it is possible to safely store CO2 approximately 1,400 meters below surface in the Kalundborg area.  

Over a four-year period, CO2 Storage Kalundborg will conduct a series of studies to determine if the potential storage site is suitable and if CO2 can be stored without negative consequences for humans, the environment, and nature.  

It is still too early to say whether CO2 will actually be stored in the area. However, it is crucial for CO2 Storage Kalundborg that there is trust in the studies being conducted. Therefore, we will share knowledge, engage in dialogue, and continuously inform about the progress of the studies being carried out.  

Our project will last for the next four years, during which we will conduct various studies divided into three main phases: the surveying phase, the exploration phase, and the testing phase. We will begin with the surveying phase, and once it is completed, we will start the exploration and testing phases, which will run in parallel. We will continuously share the results of the studies with the authorities, who will ultimately decide whether the area is suitable for safe CO2 storage. If it is, a full environmental impact assessment, public hearings, and an occupational safety risk preparedness plan must be carried out before the project can eventually move into a phase where CO2 is stored. 

Denmark has a subsoil suitable for CO2 storage. Thorough preliminary studies by the Danish authorities have shown that particularly five areas may be suitable for this purpose, including the Kalundborg area (Rambøll for the Danish Energy Agency)

No, our testing is conducted under strict safety measures that are continuously monitored to ensure the safety of humans and the environment throughout the entire project.

We cannot avoid increased traffic and noise during certain periods of the project, but we will do our best to minimise any inconvenience as much as possible and continuously inform about our activities. 

Questions or inquiries?

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We are available if you have any questions.

Contact CO2 Storage Kalundborg

The collaboration behind CO2 Storage Kalundborg

Three companies are behind CO2 Storage Kalundborg: the Norwegian energy company Equinor (partially owned by the Norwegian state) which has stored nearly 30 million tonnes of CO2 in Norway since 1996. The Danish energy company Ørsted (partially owned by the Danish state) which is developing the Ørsted Kalundborg CO2 Hub to serve as a central point for CO2 handling. The third company in the partnership is the state-owned company Nordsøfonden, which participates in all licenses for the exploration and storage of CO2 in Denmark.